Improving the client’s performance:

How do we do this?:

If you want to improve the performance of an organisation no matter its size, this inevitably involves business process improvement. We also know, if you unlock the potential of your people and build them up, your people will build your business.

  1. We have experience in Lean process improvement and Six Sigma process improvement. We help businesses identify the under performing processes and then use our expertise to tailor improvement solutions around your particular needs and goals.
  2. The improvement methodology we apply depends on the type of problems identified, which can vary in complexity. There are problems that are simple and complex. At the simple end of the spectrum, these problems can be fixed by holding 2 – 5 day improvement events within an operational team. At the opposite end they can be very complex, involving cross-functional teams; redesigning of processes, which could deliver transformational improvements across the entire organisation. We coach; provide hands-on consulting; and train the relevant client’s employees to grow and learn how to deliver lasting process improvement.
  3. We assess the projected needs of your stakeholders and customers and analyse how your core value streams and supporting activities should change. We can help you to understand the complexity of internal and external process interactions, and the implications for customer and supplier relationships. We work with strategic partners to ensure that any changes in strategic business objectives can be effectively managed organisation wide. We work with clients to understand how the changes impact the business structures, operations; and policy deployment. We help you implement solutions that minimise risk to short-term effectiveness and optimise long-term benefits.
  4. We help you drive meaningful improvements, by helping you understand your value streams and then we help you redevelop those processes that currently fail to deliver your customer needs. Using Lean and Six Sigma methodologies, we help you to:
    • Identify the causes of poor process performance by driving out waste.
    • Manage the infrastructure that ensures your projects deliver your business objectives. We support all this through training your teams, so they are enabled to deliver significant and sustainable improvements (in terms of cost, quality and delivery).
  5. We facilitate ‘Rapid Improvement Events’ otherwise known as ‘Kaizen Events’. They are very focused and intense events, lasting between 2 – 5 days for a small local team, to analyse and improve a specific part of their process or work area. These can be applied anywhere throughout the organisation. Their value is in that they produce immediate tangible benefits. As such, they can be used to engage people into the concept and value of process improvement. We apply this concept of Lean continuous improvement / Lean Kaizen approach to operational work teams in both physical and transactional environments. In order to engage people on a daily basis with the concept of lean improvements, we introduce them to new ways of working, to help them develop new daily improvement habits. We introduce them to the value of Visual Management Boards (VMB). We work with operational work teams in both physical and transactional environments, giving them a systematic, Lean continuous improvement / Lean Kaizen approach to raise their performance and deliver benefits that are immediate, tangible and repeatable.